"We'll see," returned the thief-taker. Afraid, no doubt, he thought
grimly, that her other visitor would leave. Life seemed a very brave and glorious enterprise to Ann Veronica that day. He wore a French military
undress of the period, with high jack-boots, and a laced hat; and, though his
attire indicated no particular rank, he had completely the air of a person of
distinction. . There was already a score or more of people there, some standing up and talking
together, others seated in chairs ranged along the wall. After all, it came to him suddenly as a harsh
discovery that she might be in a sense regarded as grownup. “Does Mr. . Kneebone took his
leave. Was
there anything at all in those locked rooms of her aunt’s mind? Were they fully
furnished and only a little dusty and cobwebby and in need of an airing, or were
they stark vacancy except, perhaps, for a cockroach or so or the gnawing of a
rat? What was the mental equivalent of a rat’s gnawing? The image was going
astray. “The dawn!” said Miss Miniver, with her glasses reflecting the fire like pools
of blood-red flame. Melusine got to her feet and, tucking her shoulder under his arm on the
uninjured side, put her arm about him to hold his waist, and thus contrived to
take most of his weight. To his relief, Mrs Sindlesham stepped into the breach, grasping
her cane and rising painfully from her chair. ’
‘I also said, if you remember, that I could not promise not to do so.
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